FTP Server Information

To connect to your web server's file system you must either use the SFTP or FTP protocols.

Server Specifications

PORT: 22
SERVER HOSTNAME: server0.exodios.net or (Your website domain name)

USERNAME: (Should already be provided to you by Exodios Web Hosting)
PASSWORD: (Should already be provided to you by Exodios Web Hosting)

WEB ROOT DIRECTORY: /home/(FTP username)/web/(Your domain name)/public_html

Trouble Connecting?

The server is protected with a bruit force firewall. This means that if there are 5 failed attempts to log in, the IP address of your computer will be temporarily blocked from attempting another login for 10 minutes. This keeps your account safe from attackers trying to hack your account by trying to reveal your password by trying millions of random possible passwords.

Lost Password

Please contact support for assistance if you have forgotten your username and/or password.

See Also