Secure Socket Shell

WARNING: The feature described in this page is considered to be advanced. You can break your web server and site with this feature. As a result, we can not provide support for issues arising from your use of this feature.

With Secure Socket Shell (SSH) users gain access to the Linux Command Line of their web server. With this feature you can save time doing tasks such as installing Drupal. Instead of downloading the installation onto your local machine, unzipping it and then uploading each and every single file to your web server, the server can download the installation directly onto itself and unzip it locally, saving at least 15 minutes worth of time.

To connect to SSH, users will need an SSH Terminal Client such as PuTTY (Windows) or macOS Terminal.


To connect to your server using SSH, open your preferred SSH Terminal Client and enter the following settings:

PORT: 22
USERNAME: (Your FTP username)
PASSWORD: (Your FTP password)